Community-Driven Priorities
My priorities are driven by what I am hearing from the people of Caldwell. I have contacted hundreds of Caldwell citizens on the phone or at the door and I've asked each person what their priorities are. My goal is to be a true representative of the people of Caldwell and so my priorities are Caldwell's priorities.

Our kids deserve the best education available. Currently, Idaho invests less in our education system per student than any other state in the nation. All while we have record tax surpluses and over $100 million we've accrued in internet sales taxes. We can and should do better.
Tax Fairness

Idaho's property tax burden has been steadily shifting away from the commercial/industrial sector and onto homeowners. The legislature can reverse this shift by restoring the homeowner's property tax exemption calculation to what it was pre-2016, expanding the circuit-breaker, and better funding education to reduce the need for local levies.
Transportation Investment

According to the 2020 US Census, Idaho is the second fastest growing state in the nation. We know the state is going to continue to grow. We need to increase our investment in our roads, bridges, and mass transit (trains and buses).
Responsible Government
Our legislature has passed bills they admit will result in fruitless lawsuits that will cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. And our legislature has refused the return of our federal tax dollars to Idaho. Idaho legislators should pass bills that save Idahoans money instead of waste it.